This was a great group discussion book because it touches on issues such as morality, family values, feminism, art and love. I personally despised FLW and Mamah and had a difficult time connecting with their actions and motives to leave their children and families. I was so distracted by my disgust for the couple that I couldn't even get through the book! I did an awful thing and skipped to the end to prep for our book club meeting (first time I have ever skipped to the end!). The ending was so unexpected that it convinced me to go back and finish the book. If you have read the book I would love to hear what you thought! Did Mamah's name drive you as crazy as it drove me!?
Up for February: The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larrson. I never gave my review of The Help but it was AMAZING! A must read!
*Need help setting your 2010 Reading List? See Hilary's blog! She has great advice and book reviews!
awww meghan - you cute little girl, you!