Greetings! I know I have been MIA for quite some time but I plan to come back with a vengeance! This summer has been quite a whirlwind and I want to give all the moments some blog justice. I wanted to return to the blogging world with a post about my sweet friend, Carolyn, and her gorgeous wedding. I say this because she actually mentioned to me during her reception that I hadn't blogged in forever! I knew then that it was time to return to the interwebs. However, I have some Facebook stalking to do to gather some good pictures of the glowing Carolyn and her handsome groom, Jimmy. My camera is slowly dying and could not handle the romantic lighting!
Currently, I am struggling with a bit of stage fright. S2H in all his boyfriend awesome-ness signed us up for a 4-week beginner ballroom dance class to celebrate our two year anniversary! That S2H is so smart! This gift is creative and involves both of us learning together, aka, a winning combination. There is one teeny tiny setback....I am a clumsy mess! I don't dance unless I have half a bottle of vodka in me and it usually involves my hands in the air and me singing along to Journey! I know...a hot mental image! Yikes!
I am trying to prepare as best as I can for our upcoming class next week. My cubemate is going to try and teach me the box step before next Tuesday and make me somewhat presentable. Much of my fear lies in the fact that we have to switch dance partners. I know S2H will still love me even if he has to hold my clammy hands and ice his toes from my monster feet but what about everyone else?! I'll be "that" girl. Do you know I never even went to prom!? I have decided to focus on the things I can control. So if I am going to be the last picked partner I mine as well be wearing a cute outfit! The dance studio recommends loose-fitting clothing and leather soled shoes. I think I am going to take my inspiration from the wedding planner. You all remember the scene where they dance an angry tango during the ballroom dancing class, right?

Just went to check your blog and am loving all the new updates! Thanks for entertaining me on Friday afternoon :)