Summer solstice is right around the corner, closing out the hottest season EVER on September 21st. And I can't let the summer end without posting about my one beach trip of the year! This beach trip was a big one for me as it was my first family vacation with S2H's huge clan! I'm talking multiple houses on the Outer Banks to hold the all the aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, and siblings! It was crazy, I have never experienced such a family vacation. The Mac Clan does not mess around. They have organized dinners, activities, beach tents, and happy hours! Yes, each house choses a theme, a night and they host a happy hour for everyone else with goodies and drinks. Hippie Happy Hour below...we even made tie-die shirts!
{See-HUGE Family, and there are peeps missing from this picture! I'm on the right with a baby (I'm squinting-not cute)...S2H has 7 baby nieces and nephews so everyone pretty much got to hold a baby!} |
S2H has been going to the Outer Banks since he was 10, and this planned family craziness is a tradition. Another tradition the Mac Clan has is the annual family photo on the beach. Now this may be the usual for most of you, but the OD's are not a group photo bunch. And definitely not a coordinated clothes family! S2H's sister decided on white shirts and khaki pants for the picture. I worried for weeks about what to wear for my first Mac family photo opportunity! The ladies in the Mac Clan are fit- as in they have four babies and still stay teeny tiny, so I was a little self conscious. Here are wind-blown results:
{S2H's immediate family...hello kiddos!}
{Each sibling got their own individual "family" pic, including me and S2H! Hahaha} |
The wind was absolutely insane on the beach. The whole time I was trying to swing the hair out of my face. Not a good look.
{Me and baby Jake, and proof that I did try and have luscious beach locks for the picture} |
Overall, it was an amazing week and I really enjoyed the quality time with the Mac Clan. Everyone was very warm and welcoming. Can't wait for next year...any happy hour theme ideas? :)
sweet mod you and S2H looks sooo adorable! I love it! :)